Spätival Band Contest 2020

VOTE FOR US and help us win the Berlin Spätival Band Contest! Breezy and the City Cats are competing to perform under the Hip-Hop/Rap category.

VOTE FOR US and help us bring a unique female voice to the front stage!

Go to this link: https://www.spaetival-berlin.de/band-abstimmung2020/…

Scroll down and find Breezy
Click “GÄFELLT MIR” (“I like it”)
At the top right corner click “AUSWAHL ANSEHEN” (“Show vote”)
Scroll down and click “DEINE STIMMEN EINSENDEN” (“Send your vote”)

Thank you from Breezy and the City Cats!

#spätival #zumglückberliner #Breezy citycatsproductions #zumglückberliner #RonaG

Hanna Bratton